The courthouse featured a stair mostly suspended from the ceiling with four levels of balconies to create an amazing atrium feature of a 15’ tall and 7’ tall puck mounted glass rail system. The 15’ tall glass was used to create a solid but also clear wall from the 2nd to 3rd floor over the main security entrance. With glass hanging down past the 3rd floor to accept the connection point of the 15’ tall of glass. Custom stainless-steel fittings were made for the overlapping glass at every transition of the stair.
A completely different look was achieved on the detention center building next door. Large aluminum window grills dressed up the exterior while a stainless steel picket rail with brass top handrail were designed to highlight the main lobby.
Location: Denver, CO
Architect: Klipp Architecture
Contractor: Hensel Phelps
Year Completed: 2010